Help & FAQs

How can I get in touch if I have a question?
Please send an email to
Or you can join our Discord server and ask for support.
What is the seller's commission on products sold?

The seller's commission can be as high as 95%, but varies based on:
- The price of the item
- The seller's membership level
This approach to varying commission rates is adopted due to the nature of PayPal transaction fees incurred during checkout and the absence of a required minimum checkout amount.
The table below provides a quick breakdown of the seller commission based on the item list price. These are scenario examples to give you an idea of per sale.

Premium Membership Free Membership
List Price $45.00 + List Price $10.00 +
Seller Commission % 95% Seller Commission % 65%
List Price $10.00 - $44.99 List Price $5.00 - $9.99
Seller Commission % 90% Seller Commission % 65%
List Price $5.00 - $9.99 List Price $4.00 - $4.99
Seller Commission % 85% Seller Commission % 65%
List Price $4.00 - $4.99 List Price $3.00 - $3.99
Seller Commission % 80% Seller Commission % 65%
List Price $3.00 - $3.99 List Price $2.00 - $2.99
Seller Commission % 75% Seller Commission % 65%
List Price $2.00 - $2.99 List Price $1.00 - $1.99
Seller Commission % 65% Seller Commission % 35%
List Price $1.00 - $1.99
Seller Commission % 35%

For a complete breakdown of your seller commission, paypal fees and Teachers Craft™ earning per sale, please visit the
Teachers Craft™ Seller Commission Tiers page.

What membership levels do you offer?

We have a free membership where the seller earns 65% on products listed at or above $2.00. Products listed under $2.00 earns 35% commission (due to the nature of PayPal transaction fees incurred during checkout and the absence of a required minimum checkout amount).
The premium membership costs $40 per year and gets you up to 95% commission depending on the product list price. Please refer to the Commission Tiers, Fees & Payouts for more information.

Do you plan on implementing a flat seller commision rate?
Currently, we do not have plans to adopt a flat commission rate system. Our decision to maintain a tiered commission structure is driven by our commitment to encouraging the creation of high-value and superior-quality products (whereby absorbing transaction fees without encurring a minimum purchase for the buyers).
By offering higher commission rates at certain tiers, we aim to incentivize our sellers to strive for excellence in what they offer to the marketplace. Furthermore, this approach is designed to discourage the practice of competitive underpricing, often referred to as a ‘race to the bottom,’ which can diminish product quality and undermine the market's overall value proposition. We believe that by fostering an environment that rewards quality and innovation, we can ensure a more sustainable and thriving marketplace for both sellers and buyers.
How often will sellers get paid?
Sellers will get paid on 15th of every month.
Will Teachers Craft™ deduct any state or federal taxes in our monthly payouts?
No, sellers will be responsible for paying their local state and federal taxes.
I understand there are transaction fees during checkout, will there be any fees in my monthly payout?
Yes, it's essential to be aware that while transaction fees are a standard part of the payout process, your monthly payout is subject to a nominal fee as well. Specifically, PayPal applies a fee of $0.25 for each payout transaction. Beyond this, you can rest assured that no additional fees will be deducted from your monthly payout. This transparency in our fee structure is part of our commitment to ensuring a straightforward and trustworthy partnership with our sellers.
Payout Transaction Fees Example
Current Month Earnings $250.00
PayPal Payout Fees $0.25
Final Monthly Payout $249.75
Please refer to the Commission Tiers, Fees & Payouts for more information.
What do you get out of this marketplace, financially speaking?
Financial sustainability is achieved through carefully managed margins, ensuring that while the marketplace operates without loss, the overhead costs are kept to an absolute minimum. The membership fees collected contribute significantly towards covering the expenses associated with Microsoft Azure web hosting, which includes essential services such as redundancy, and robust anti-virus & anti-malware scanning protocols for the Azure storage containers. The anti-malware & anti-virus specifically to avoid school districts banning the site all together.
Additionally, the Teachers Craft™ Commission (aka'TC Commission') structure outlined in the
Teachers Craft™ Seller Commission Tiers is designed to be minimal, primarily to sustain the platform's operational costs while ensuring that sellers receive a fair and deserving commission for their sales. Our model is built on a principle of giving back to the seller community, evidenced by our practice of redistributing divided transactions back to the sellers. This reflects our deep commitment to and appreciation for the teaching profession, aiming not just for financial viability but to support and uplift our community of educators.
Is thre a minimum purchase for buyers?
No, we've constructed commission tiers to make the buying process as simple and straight-forward as possible.
Am I allowed to have my products listed for sale elsewhere?
Absolutely, we recognize and respect the hard work and dedication that goes into creating your products. As such, you retain the freedom to list and sell your products on any other platforms or marketplaces. During the product creation process on our platform, we will inquire about the origin of the product to ensure that you are either the sole creator or have obtained the necessary copyright agreements to use and distribute the Intellectual Property (IP) involved. This policy ensures that while we provide a venue for your sales, we also uphold the importance of respecting and adhering to copyright and IP laws, protecting both you and the marketplace from potential legal issues.
Will sellers be required to post any free products?
Yes, as part of our commitment to fostering a marketplace rich in high-quality offerings, we require each seller to contribute two free products before they can list items for sale. This policy is grounded in the belief that showcasing standout products, even those you might sell for a nominal fee elsewhere, as complimentary offerings on Teachers Craft™ can significantly enhance your store's visibility. By drawing buyers in with these free products, we create a gateway to the broader range of your paid products, potentially increasing your sales volume. This approach not only elevates the overall quality of products available on our platform but also supports a vibrant ecosystem where quality and generosity drive mutual success.
Can you give me an example as to why you have a tiered commission system?
Absolutely, the logic behind our tiered commission system can be best understood through the comparison of the two scenarios below. Both scenarios involve a product being sold at $1.00. The scenario on the left illustrates a situation where Teachers Craft™ would incur a loss from the transaction, highlighting a challenge that has led other marketplaces, in the past, to impose a minimum purchase requirement for buyers:

Transaction Fees Example Scenario 1 Scenario 2
List Price $1.00 $1.00
PayPal Fees $0.53 $0.53
Seller Commission % 85% 35%
Seller Commission Amount $0.35 $0.85
TC Commission -$0.38 $0.13
What payment methods do you accept?
Our marketplace exclusively partners with PayPal to process all transactions. This decision is rooted in PayPal's reputation for providing stable and consistent rates, alongside a suite of payment options. Through PayPal, our buyers can utilize various methods, including credit/debit cards and the convenient Pay Later feature, ensuring a seamless and flexible checkout experience.
What is your Return Policy?
Please refer to our Refund Policy page.
Is there a forum available for discussions?
No, we offer a Discord Channel for discussions. Feel free to sign up with the provided link!
How does the weighted search algorithm function, and what factors influence it?
Below is a breakdown of how our search algorithm works when outputting results:
  • Search Term Relevency: 40%
  • Item Conversion Percentage: 30%
  • Item Rating: 25%
  • Number Of Purchases: 5%
These percentages may change in the future. The Site Updates page is where we inform everyone of site changes like this.
Other similar websites have allowed malware and viruses to be uplaoded. What measures have you taken to address those and other threats?
  • Our commitment to security started from the very first discussion.
  • Our backend infrastructure is securely hosted on Microsoft's Azure cloud platform.
  • Microsoft Defender, a powerful anti-malware and anti-virus tool, actively protects our data stored in Azure.
  • We employ advanced security measures like anti-SQL injection functions to prevent unauthorized changes/access via text input fields.
  • All of the pages containing profile or account information are backed with Google's Recaptcha to help ensure bots can't use the site
  • Cloudflare DNS provides protection against Denial Of Service attacks that could take the site offline
  • All account passwords undergo 'salting' and 'hashing', making them extremely difficult to hack.
  • For added security, we offer Multi-Factor Authentication, which verifies your identity using your smartphone during login.