Teachers Craft

Teachers Craft™ Seller Commission Tiers

Below are the Teachers Craft™ seller's commission tiers broken down by list price and premium/free memberships. These are example scenarios to give you an idea of your income per sale, Paypal fees, as well as provide transparency as to how much Teachers Craft™ will earn per transaction.

Note: Transactions that involve multiple different sellers/stores, the Paypal transaction fees will be split amongst each seller/store and the resulted savings will get evenly distributed between each seller/store, increasing profits slightly more.

Premium Membership Free Membership
List Price $45.00 + List Price $45.00 +
Paypal Fees $2.06 Paypal Fees $2.06
Seller Commission % 95% Seller Commission % 65%
Seller Commission Amount $42.75 Seller Commission Amount $29.25
TC Commission $0.19 TC Commission $13.69
List Price $10.00 - $44.99 List Price $10.00 - $44.99
Paypal Fees $0.84 Paypal Fees $0.84
Seller Commission % 90% Seller Commission % 65%
Seller Commission Amount $9.00 Seller Commission Amount $6.50
TC Commission $0.16 TC Commission $2.66
List Price $5.00 - $9.99 List Price $5.00 - $9.99
Paypal Fees $0.67 Paypal Fees $0.67
Seller Commission % 85% Seller Commission % 65%
Seller Commission Amount $4.25 Seller Commission Amount $3.25
TC Commission $0.09 TC Commission $1.09
List Price $4.00 - $4.99 List Price $4.00 - $4.99
Paypal Fees $0.63 Paypal Fees $0.63
Seller Commission % 80% Seller Commission % 65%
Seller Commission Amount $3.20 Seller Commission Amount $2.60
TC Commission $0.17 TC Commission $0.77
List Price $3.00 - $3.99 List Price $3.00 - $3.99
Paypal Fees $0.60 Paypal Fees $0.60
Seller Commission % 75% Seller Commission % 65%
Seller Commission Amount $2.25 Seller Commission Amount $1.95
TC Commission $0.16 TC Commission $0.46
List Price $2.00 - $2.99 List Price $2.00 - $2.99
Paypal Fees $0.56 Paypal Fees $0.56
Seller Commission % 65% Seller Commission % 35%
Seller Commission Amount $1.30 Seller Commission Amount $1.30
TC Commission $0.14 TC Commission $0.14
List Price $1.00 - $1.99 List Price $1.00 - $1.99
Paypal Fees $0.53 Paypal Fees $0.53
Seller Commission % 35% Seller Commission % 35%
Seller Commission Amount $0.35 Seller Commission Amount $0.35
TC Commission $0.13 TC Commission $0.13