Teachers Craft

Teachers Craft™ Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy governs the manner in which Teachers Craft™ ( "TC" as subsidiary of Teacher Activities, Inc.) collects, uses, maintains and discloses information collected from users (aka “User”) of https://teacherscraft.us website ( aka “Site”). This privacy policy applies to the Site and all products and services offered by Teacher Activities, Inc.

Personal Identification Information

In numerous interactions such as site visits, registrations, orders, forms, surveys, and other site-related engagements, we may request personal details from Users. Such details may include names, email addresses, mailing addresses, and phone numbers. While Users have the option to interact anonymously, providing personal information, which is always voluntary, enables full participation in Site activities.

Non-Personal Identification Information

Interaction with our Site may result in the collection of non-personal information, such as browser type, computer specifications, and connectivity details like operating systems and internet service providers.


To enrich User experience, our Site may deploy "cookies." These cookies, stored on a User's hard drive by their browser, aid in record-keeping and can track information. Users can configure their browsers to reject cookies or to alert them when cookies are being sent. Note, however, that disabling cookies may limit the functionality of the Site.

Usage of Collected Information

Teacher Activies, Inc. collects and employs User information for purposes including:
Operating and maintaining our Site
Enhancing customer support
Personalizing user experience
Site improvement based on User feedback
Processing transactions without sharing payment information beyond the necessary extent
Managing promotions, surveys, or other Site features
Communicating with Users about their orders or inquiries and sending periodic emails, with the option for Users to unsubscribe at any time
Protection of Your Information
We implement suitable data management and security protocols to prevent unauthorized access, modification, or destruction of personal information. Communication between the Site and its Users is secured via SSL encryption.

Sharing Personal Information

We do not sell, trade, or rent Users' personal identification information. Aggregate demographic information not linked to any personal identification may be shared with partners and advertisers for the outlined purposes.

Electronic Newsletters

Users opting into our mailing list will receive emails that may include news, updates, and information on products or services. Unsubscribe instructions are provided in every email for those wishing to opt-out.

Third-Party Websites

Our Site may feature links to external sites not controlled by us and, therefore, not covered by this privacy policy. We advise reviewing the privacy policies of these external sites.

Payment Information

Credit or debit card information entered for purchases is processed by our Payment Processor, which stores this information securely. TC does not store Payment Card details but receives transaction details post-payment for order processing and record-keeping.

Compliance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act

We do not knowingly collect information from individuals under the age of 13, in compliance with COPPA, reflecting our commitment to protecting children’s privacy.

Amendments to This Privacy Policy

Teacher Activies, Inc. reserves the right to update this privacy policy. Notification of changes will be posted on the Site. Users are encouraged to regularly review this policy to stay informed on how their information is protected.

Acceptance of This Policy

By using this Site, you agree to this privacy policy. Disagreement with this policy should deter you from using our Site. Continued use after changes to this policy will constitute your acceptance of said changes.

Contact Us

Please send an email to support@teacherscraft.us for questions about this privacy policy.

This Privacy Polcy was upated on March 29th, 2024.